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Historical setting
Anyone reading Anne Hughes may well be surprised at the lack of historical context. There is no mention of wars or of cataclysmic events like the French Revolution. However, it can be argued from other diaries that this isn't unusual. Anne, after all, was merely fulfilling the brief she had set herself at the outset; simply to record the day to day events of their lives. Several instances she mentions can, however, give us clues as to when she was writing. The types of dress fashion, both male and female, give pointers, allowing that country people followed behind in the wake of their town cousins. Anne also records Lady Susan's mention of a new invention, the cast iron stove, but decides, wisely as it happens, against getting one. Another instance of London fashion was the very short-lived practice of ladies dying their hair yellow with turmeric. Not a very practical fashion, but it can be dated. The year is 1782.
And finally, what about the dates allegedly written on the front of the bound diary; 1796 - 1797? Well, these may or may not be correct. It may be, if Anne's diary did in fact cover a longer period than that suggested in the surviving version, that the 1796 to 1797 dates apply to just one part of it.