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In seeking to understand more about Anne Hughes' Diary,
our research has followed various approaches into its many different aspects.
These include its contents, its historical and literary setting and the stories surrounding it.
In creating this website, it’s our hope that by putting our unanswered questions
before a wider public, some may fall under the scrutiny of people
who know what the answers are or where they may be found.
There are many such unanswered questions.
These are some of them:
We are seeking help to discover an original record of the marriage of someone called Watson, male or female, which took place on the 1st January, 1701 or, allowing for mistranscription, in 1761 or 1791. If you know of such a marriage please contact us using the above link.
Does anyone know of a Land Girl called Margaret who lived and worked in or near Sarsden, Oxfordshire in 1943 and 1944? (See her photograph in our Photo Gallery)
There were two US soldiers who were also friends based in or near Sarsden, Oxfordshire in 1944. They were called Lee and Jerry (possibly Leigh & Gerry). Can anyone recall them? (Click on our 'Photographs' side button to see photos which may include them.)
Can anyone tell us about WW2 Oxfordshire egg merchants, 'Stokes and Sedlies'?
Does anyone recognise the source of any of the recipes in the book?
Does anyone have a copy of a stout 18th or 19thC cookery book with sage green covers and very small print and called, ‘A Book of Receipts’?
Is there still such a recipe book in the reserve stock in the reference library at Hanley near Stoke?
Did someone buy one from its redundant stock?